

Special salad potato variety of excellent quality.

Its tubers are long and oval – kidney shape, regular and very good-looking. The skin is yellow, smooth and glossy. The flesh is distinctively yellow over the whole cut, evenly coloured, waxy type and very fine, and it does not change its characteristics even after cooling. Very delicate taste both of fresh harvest and long-term storage tubers.

Packing:12.5 kg cardboard boxes
2 kg Carry Fresh net bags

We recommend this variety for preparation of salads, boiled either peeled or unpeeled.


Table of nutrition value

  Raw potatoes Unpeeled boiled potatoes Peeled boiled potatoes
Energy value KCal/100g X 86 72
Fat g/100g 0,01 0,01 0,01
Proteins g/100g 2 2,5 1,9
Cholesterol g/100g 0 0 0
Saccharides g/100g 16 18,9 16
Potassium mg/100g 500 547 400
Calcium mg/100g 15 12 12
Phosphorus mg/100g 50 61 45
Vitamin C mg/100g 22 17 20
Vitamin B1 – thiamine mg/100g 0,1 0,11 0,08
Vitamin B2 - riboflavin mg/100g 0,02 0,05 0,01
Vitamin B3 - niacin mg/100g 1,22 1,4 1,2
